He's learning how to get into the water but still just stands in the mud most of the time.
Scottie is still a pup so he is also a chewer. We've had a few casualties like my hat, a sock, and other unmentionable items.

But the worst damage was to our Garmin GPS that was sitting in an inconspicuous spot on the dashboard of the rig. All the pups like to lay on the dashboard but our two behave themselves. Scottie, alas, is still learning. He nailed it while we were sitting and having a glass of wine with our friends, Ian and Annette, so I guess it's our fault........ |
Ian and Annette Patience came down in their rig from Houston to spend the month of January with us. Annette was born and raised in Canada and she does not like cold weather. This was probably the coldest ever January on record for the Rio Grande Valley (okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit) but she wasn't having a great time.
We decided one day to take a boat trip on the Rio Grande because the sun was kinda shining and we felt it would be a good day.
Weren't we silly..... I think we were all smiling because we were thinking about getting off the pontoon and having a drink to warm up. But we did get to see some of the natural habitat on the water.
Our RV park also had their annual Kentucky Derby Race and the Captain and I got seats in the grandstands to watch it. Many of the women wore stylish hats for the event and mint juleps were served (along with hot dogs and chips) to keep us warm and nourished. The ladies running around half-naked are from Canada! They thought the weather was great!
And then we were off to the races. There was gambling, of course, because we each had our favorites.
It was a fast and furious race but finally there was a winner. Well, actually, several winners because there were many more races so we could all enjoy the juleps.
February 9th was our annual Cinderella Pet Parade and Brett's sister, Debra, came down from Charlotte to help us again.
Deb enjoying a snack in front of Scottie. Do you think he's a food driven Lab?
We had many items to auction off including homemade gifts and contributions from local vendors in Mission and McAllen.
Valentine Gifts Baskets
Two beautiful hand-woven pashmina scarves.
One of our fellow Rvers made her famous pecan pies and they brought in a good deal of money.
But the best part was the pups and the costumes they paraded in.

And Cinderella brought in some of their pups that are up for adoption and looking for their forever home.
After last year's parade Cinderella bought a transport bus to carry their dogs around town and it was at the event.
The parade was a wonderful success and we were able bring in over $8,000 in contributions for Cinderella. Everyone was very happy.
And that's about all from here. Our sweet pup, Scottie, has been adopted and leaves us on Wednesday, March 7th, heading to Victoria, British Columbia, with his new owners. We will miss him but they are coming back here again next year so we will meet up again. What more could one ask for!
In the meantime, we are heading back towards home with a stop in San Antonio for some rig work and then spend a few days around the area having fun. Fredericksburg has a wonderful St Patrick's Day festival where they serve green beer. Can't miss that.
While we are in the area we will see our friends, Ian and Annette again, which we are looking forward to. And then it will be the long trek home. The weather here is beautiful and in the 80's so we won't be rushing too quickly to get home. Peace!