The 8th annual Cinderella Pet Parade was on February 11th at 1:00 pm. It was a beautiful, sunny day that was also hot, hot, hot.
The Captain left at 9:00 for the club house to start getting things ready. The set-up crew was scheduled for 10:00. I was taking our pups for a three mile hike on the canal because they weren't going to be able to come to the pet parade, too many things to do. Well all our wonderful volunteers came early and started setting up right away. By the time I got there about 10:15 everything was in full swing.
Brett's sister, Debra, flew down from Charlotte to help with the event. She stayed at a casita near the club house which gave us a great place to store many of the items for the parade. |
One of the volunteers, Michele, was also bringing items out. |
Tables were already being set up. Not only was it going to be a hot day, the wind was estimated at 35 mph with higher gusts. Everything had to be taped down using gorilla tape including raffle items and signs so they wouldn't blow away. |
Some of our wonderful volunteers waiting for their assignments. |
The men were working together to attach several of the larger poster boards. |
Dogs who were walked in the parade required a $10 registration fee. |
To vote for a particular dog you had to buy a ticket. The dog with the most tickets won the prize for 'Best of Dress' . |
Thanks to many generous businesses in the area we had some very nice items to bid on. |
The Captain deep in thought..... |
Raffle items included dinners at local restaurants, |
gift cards from local businesses, |
tools from local businesses, |
gift cards from a local veterinary hospital, |
a gift card to use towards getting your RV washed, |
and many other sundry items including Valentine's Day baskets which went quickly thanks to all the men at the parade. |
A large poster board was displayed to thank all of our generous donors. |
The Captain created a donation barometer to track what we made with the goal being $3,000. |
And then we were blessed with a special matching donation. For every dollar we earned in the pet parade one of the Winter Texans in the park agreed to donate another dollar. |
Food was distributed for 'donations' to feed the crowd. |
Our volunteer cooks were working hard to grill 200 hot dogs to feed the hungry masses. |
Another of our volunteers, Paul Brunelle, had a 50/50 raffle going for anyone interested. The raffle started at $5 a ticket and the winning number won half of the earnings. Paul actually ran out of tickets when he got to $660 which surprised all of us. Next year we will make sure to have more tickets. The winning number was called and the recipient was gracious enough to donate $130 of his earnings to Cinderella Pet Rescue. |
Cinderella Pet Rescue also joined us with some of their pups dressed up for the occasion. All these pups are up for adoption.
Two little pups were inside. |
By this time it was in the 90's and everyone was trying to get through the heat. The wind was gusting to 43 miles an hour which helped to cool off many.
Water bowls were strategically placed for all the pups. |
Most sought shade waiting for the parade to begin. |
And then the parade began. We had elaborate costumes, basic costumes, and no costumes, but guess what, everyone paid the entrance fee to walk their dog(s) knowing the money went to such a great organization. And all the dogs got votes!
This was Maggie and her pimp, Elvis. They won third prize. |
Maggie collected extra money for our charity by offering kisses and caresses. |
Okay? |
Bunny won the first place prize for 'Best Dressed'. |
Bunny and her mom accepting first place.
Our second place winner. |
Throughout the whole event the Captain used a megaphone to make announcements and keep things moving. Elvis, the pimp, had shed his very hot costume and was receiving his 3rd place trophy. |
And each time the donation barometer moved up he used a very obnoxious siren to announce the new number and ask for more money. Believe me he worked the crowd hard! |
After the dogs finished walking in the parade many of them went back to their rigs and cooler air. The final function was to draw tickets and announce the winners of the raffle items.
The Pet Parade ended at 2:30 and the breakdown began. Within 30 minutes everything was put away or loaded into cars and our event for 2017 was over. By this time, the Captain was so overheated he looked like he was heading for heatstroke. We all went back to our rigs to cool off and relax out of the sun.
It took us the rest of that day and all of the next to recuperate. But it was so worthwhile and successful. Bentsen Palm RV Resort was able to give Cinderella Pet Rescue $7,453 because the Winter Texans here were extremely generous. If any of you out there would like to help Cinderella, we have their tax deductible number and would be glad to share it with you. Here is their website:
And then there is this sweet boy. His name is Wrangler and he was found recently. He was left to die along a road with all four of his feet tied tight to his neck. He was very malnourished and covered with fleas. He is now at Cinderella Pet Rescue where he is getting treated and being provided for. He weighs 24 pounds and is about a year old. Wrangler now has a chance in life to find his forever home. This is why we support Cinderella Pet Rescue. |